General Absentee Voting – UOCAVA members and family

West Virginians for Social and Fiscal Responsibility

General Absentee Voting – UOCAVA members and family

January 1, 2014 – October 29, 2014 all-day

Uniformed and Overseas Citizens and their family members may request an absentee ballot.

§3-3-5. Voting an absentee ballot by mail or electronically; penalties.

(b) Completed applications for voting an absentee ballot by mail are to be accepted when recieved by the official designated to supervise and conduct absentee voting in person, by mail, or electronically within the following times:

(1) For persons eligible to vote an absentee ballot under the provisions of subdivision (3), subsection (b), section one of this article, relating to absent uniformed services and overseas voters, not earlier than January 1 of an election year or eighty-four days preceeding the election, whichever is earlier, and not later than the sixth day preceeding the election, which application is to, upon the voter’s be accepted as an application for the ballots for all elections in the calendar year; and

(2) For all other persons eligible to vote an absentee ballot by mail, not earlier than eighty-four days preceding the election and not later than the sixth day predecing the election.

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